Examination and Assessment
The promotion of a student to the next class is dependent upon satisfactory academic performance during the year as well as final examination. The school strictly adheres to criteria for minimum pass marks/grades. As a policy, award of grace marks to pass or promote weak and undeserving students is strictly avoided. Parents are regularly updated about the children’s progress in academics as well as overall development Student Evaluation is accomplished through a system of:
- Class Tests and Spot Tests
- Monthly Tests
- Term Test
- Assignments and Projects
- Annual / Promotion Test
Work Diaries
Work diaries are an important way to keep parents updated with the day-today activities of their wards including homework, fee bill distribution, any important messages from the teacher, or health related information as required. Parents may also convey any messages if required to ubject/class teachers through the diaries. Parents are required to use the forum of periodic Parent-Teacher Meeting or a special meeting if required, to discuss their child’s performance and achievements.
FESS Approach to Assessment
The school follows a continuous Assessment Model across all grade levels, evaluating students' progress throughout the prescribed duration using various assessment tools. Continuous Assessment has abundant purposes to serve including determining students learning achievement, identifying their learning difficulties for special support, Improving teachers' pedagogical practices, and enhancing the quality of education in general. The school has devised a precise, nuanced and comprehensive assessment system for appraising students' academic progression and achievement of learning objectives using a well-thought-out mixture of formative and summative assessment techniques.
Daily Morning Assembly
Morning assembly is an important and regular occurring event in the education of a student. In addition to marking the formal beginning of the daily academic activity for the students as well as faculty and staff, it contributes towards punctuality and discipline and provides opportune moments for the overall motivation of students. Each class conducts the assembly for one week. Attendance at the morning assembly is compulsory.
The respective head of the department ensures that academic standards and marking are regulated within agreed norms and against a pre-determined marking scheme for assessment.
Academic Support Program
The FESS academic support program provides support to all students identified with additional educational needs. The program strives to develop each student's ability by establishing a solid foundation in key academic areas.
Academic Enrichment Program
The FESS academic enrichment program is aimed at high-performing students to further stretch their competencies through the use of thought provoking and challenging hands-on activities, which extend upon what they are already learning in their classroom. The program sets extended expectations of academic rigor and offers students to become mentors to their peers and gain vital leadership skills.
Extra-Curricular Activities
The wide selection of extracurricular activities at FESS broadens the opportunities for the students to enhance their natural abilities and to challenge themselves through the development of new interest areas. Extracurricular activities include science and art exhibitions, Milad, Assembly Presentations, Sports Week, Color Days, etc.
Awards and Recognition
FESS appreciates students' efforts in all aspects.
Promotion & Retention
The following members constitute the Promotion Board which is solely responsible for all decisions on the promotion and retention of any student.
- Principal FESS
- Section Head (Jnr. & Snr.)
- Controller Examination
- In charge Progress section